i love your animations and Abo is very funny in my opinion. plus i like how you draw his laugh, which makes it even funnier.
i love your animations and Abo is very funny in my opinion. plus i like how you draw his laugh, which makes it even funnier.
this is a great video and woot, I'm in the first ten reviews of a video.
i find this episode the best of the series. It also suprised me to see links arm being chopped of in the fight. though one of my favorite parts was the ending when you introduce a new charecter into the series( im not going to say who it is because i want you to find out by yourself if you haven't seen it yet). i have to say, almost none of it i was exspecting at all and i laughed at some of the stuff in it since it was to funny.
its a lot like hide and go seek, except YOU DIE!!! to funny dude. even though i dont have team fortress 1 or 2, i think the spy would fit me perfectly when i do get team fortress 2. also just a question, what game system is team fortress 2 on since i havent taken much time to look.
i was never expecting the part when ash dies but it would of beenn sweet as hell if they chose this ending.
too funny dude. i found this to be even funnier then the movie and no im not a girl, im a male teenager. when the second movie comes out, you should make a part two of this and i wouldn't be suprised if the second was funnier than this one.
Joined on 2/28/08